Spark Your Heart,
Ignite Your Life…

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I like to help women discover and feel good about who they are and what they want to do with their lives.

My clients are typically women over 50, on the edge of what’s next in life. Some have an inkling of what they want and others have no idea what else they could possibly be after a lifetime of mother/wife/worker…

These women come to me for support, motivation, accountability, and to start feeling lighter about it all.

One client said, “Whenever I work with Ruth I always leave feeling good about myself!"

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Happy Heart Month

Posted on Feb 5 by

Happy heart month. I hope that, in the midst of everything happening in our country, you are finding ways to stay heart-centered, resilient, empowered. And that you are breathing.   Now, more than ever, we need to focus on the people, places, and activities that make us feel safe, grounded, joyful, alive. We need to show up with our unique gifts, and concentrate our energies on kindness, compassion, and love. The more love we can send to ourselves, our friends, our families, and communities, the more love reverberates in the bigger world.   Here on the north coast of California, it is officially winter. It’s been raining the last four days, with daytime temperatures warming to about 45°. When I left Phoenix last January, I spent three months at the beach in Morro Bay before following my deepest intuition to come here to Arcata in April, not sure, yet having a deep knowing that this was my new home. I had planned to return to Phoenix in November to pack up and sell the family house.   Instead, I...


Be the Light. Spread the Light.

Posted on Dec 9 by

Happy December! This time of the year is all about the light. Chanukah is called the Festival of Lights, with eight nights of candle lighting to commemorate the miracle of the oil. Kwanzaa is celebrated by lighting seven candles to represent the seven principles. Houses and trees are decked in holiday lights. And Jesus was born under the light of the star of Bethlehem. Everywhere you look, there are candles and fires, beckoning us toward the light and the warmth.   But in nature, this is the darkest time of the year.   This offers us a beautiful invitation to go inward to tend our own light.    If we’re feeling confident, creative, appreciated, it’s pretty easy to tap into our own glowing goodness. We radiate love and compassion, for ourselves and others. And our shining light reflects back to other people, creating an even bigger light.   But what about when sadness, grief, frustration, even hopelessness, overwhelm us, and we feel no light.   Even if your light is not roaring in radiant flame, it is still burning. It...


The Threshold Between Winter and Spring

Posted on Mar 26 by

It’a already March, and the first full day of Spring is just two weeks away. I’m usually full of inspiration and excitement this time of year, but today, I’m still feeling the subtleties of winter hibernation.   The Heart Sparks Rest and Renewal Retreat was everything I imagined and so much more. We laughed, we lounged, we shared, we made art, and each retreater fell a little more in love with herself.   The week before the retreat, it snowed in Sedona. The freeway was closed just north of the exit to Sedona, and more snow was forecasted for the retreat weekend. With all of the planning I had done, everything was now up in the air. Would the roads be closed on the way up? Would we get snowed in once we got there? Would I have to cancel the retreat and refund everyone’s money?   The day before the retreat, four of us decided to caravan in the morning, so that, if we did have to turn around, we’d all be together.   That night, all I...


This Time of In-between

Posted on Feb 9 by

I hope your new year is off to a healthy and happy start. My January was filled with wellness exams, lunches with friends, Mac clients, romps at various neighborhood parks, a speeding ticket followed by online defensive driving school, new glasses, an unexpected new computer, and the official filing of the divorce papers.   Reading through the legal paperwork, I was surprised by all of the emotions I felt, and it took me a few days to move through the new layers of grief and loss. And for the first time I allowed myself to be angry that I had to choose to give up a lifestyle that I really loved.   It’s been so empowering to watch myself move through each emotion as it arises, noticing that I’m feeling all the feelings, but not lingering in any one emotion or memory. I’ve been able to tender myself, talk about my feelings, and give myself full on permission and safety to feel it all.    I’ve also been consciously and actively shifting my focus to welcoming more joy into...


Listen For the Spark

Posted on Jan 1 by

“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.” Rainer Maria Rilke Happy New Year! Do you have a ritual for beginning the new year? Maybe you eat black eyed peas for good luck, or spend time with the people you’d like to see throughout the coming year. Maybe you watch the Rose Parade in your pajamas, or take a walk in nature.   Some of us choose a theme for the year, or set goals, or make a list of places we’d like to visit. In the past I have chosen a word for the year, to help me focus my attention on my deepest intention. One year, I wrote a manifesto, declaring the qualities and attributes that I wanted to claim more of. When I was living on the road, the visions for the year were more about where we wanted to explore, and what kind of volunteering sounded interesting.    This year I am using the Heart Sparks cards to guide me. In December I picked two cards, one to guide me for...


Happy Season of Light

Posted on Dec 21 by

Happy Winter Solstice! This time of the year is all about the light. Chanukah is called the Festival of Lights, with eight nights of candle lighting to commemorate the miracle of the oil. Kwanzaa is celebrated by lighting seven candles to represent the seven principles. Houses and trees are decked in holiday lights. And Jesus was born under the light of the star of Bethlehem. Everywhere you look, there are candles and fires, beckoning us toward the light and the warmth.   But in nature, this is the darkest time of the year. Which offers us a beautiful invitation to go inward to tend our own light.  If we’re feeling confident, creative, appreciated, it’s pretty easy to tap into our own glowing goodness. We radiate love and compassion, for ourselves and others. And our shining light reflects on another person, creating an even bigger light.   But what about when sadness, grief, frustration, even hopelessness, overwhelm us, and we feel no light.   Even if your light is not roaring in radiant flame, it is still burning. It may be just...

Work With Me

I work with my one-on-one coaching clients over the phone. This way there is no visual distraction, no need to “look our best,” so that we can focus on what’s really going on. I also believe that the technology that connects us provides an additional energy conduit that can enhance and intensify the connection. Learn more...

Working with a group is different. As humans, even if we don’t say a lot, we need to know that we are heard and seen. And so I facilitate my intimate online coaching circles using video conferencing software so that we can all literally see each other. These virtual connections can be even more powerful than in-person groups. Learn more...

Facilitating retreats and in-person workshops are my favorite ways to work with people for so many reasons, but especially because there is so much hugging. Learn more...