Posted by on Jun 12, 2013 in creativity, your authentic voice | 8 comments

One of the many things I’ve learned these past few years is how important the voice is. When we add sound to our movements, to our thoughts, to our sentences, the energy expands.

And yet, so many people are not comfortable making sounds, speaking up, being heard.

Listen around you to how quietly some people speak, even and especially when they are talking about something important.

Growing up, so many of us were told to Be Quiet. Many of us were told we had bad singing voices, so we should just mouth the words. And we have accepted these statements as truth, settling back into shameful silence.

Until today.

If we want to be heard, we must be learn to be comfortable using our voice.

We must believe that our words, our ideas, our perspectives are valuable and worthy of sharing. And that we have a right to speak up, speak out, even sing out.

Several years ago, a client shared that she used to love to sing. But her 3rd grade music teacher told her she was off key so should just mouth the words. For all those years in between she kept quiet, not even singing in the shower.

And then one night, after a powerful Living Room Ladies gathering, she attended her granddaughter’s birthday party and got up and sang karaoke. And she loved it. She couldn’t believe how fun it was and how much she had missed all these years.

When we don’t use our voice, we lose our voice, both literally and figuratively. Maybe we are more prone to sore throats or coughing. Maybe we feel like we are never heard. Maybe we don’t tell our own truth, for fear that we won’t be accepted.

Recently, in a different Living Room Ladies group, I asked each woman to write an affirmation that would guide her toward the more joyful, more authentic life she desired. One woman wrote, “I am honest about who I am and not afraid to voice it.”

This single sentence suddenly gives her permission to speak up for herself. And with practice, she will even be comfortable doing it.

So how can you get more comfortable with your voice?

Perhaps you can begin with just sighing an audible sound when you exhale. Notice if your sound is quiet, or fully supported by your outgoing breath.

Making silly sounds with your voice also opens up the channels. Singing gibberish silliness is a great way to reconnect with your voice. Find a young child and sing with them–they will certainly not judge you.


Creating the vibration in your throat will reverberate into your heart and your entire body. Try it. Feel it.
Add words to the sounds.
Sing your affirmation.
Raise the volume so you are really heard! Having the support of strong breathing will also help you sing more in tune.

Sing it loud. Sing it proud. Sing it long. Sing it strong.

Begin to claim your voice and all that you are here to share!

I’d love to hear how you play with your voice, how you practice being heard. Please share your story with me and my readers by clicking on the Comments below.

Also, I am starting to visualize a new Living Room Ladies group. This time we’ll meet virtually, because, from my experiences with my Wisdom Council Mastermind I now see that you CAN form deep, intimate, trusting relationships without meeting in person. If you’re interested in more information, email me. To find out what the Living Room Ladies is, click on the link above!