Imagine how your life might change if you did just ONE of these things every day! The other night I asked Marika if she wanted to plan a vacation with me that we didn’t have to go on. Where do you want to go? Philadelphia, she said, to visit her aunt. And Longwood Gardens, I added. And we’ll invite all of my relatives to meet us at the diner on...
Read MoreWhat’s Next?
Like with any behavior, thought or pattern we’re trying to release, if we focus on it, it continues to manifest. But if we shift our thought and attention to what is NEXT, even AND ESPECIALLY if we don’t know what that is, then that first thing loses energy, lessens its hold on us and it eventually releases. For the last four weeks...
Read MoreNew Year’s Un-Resolutions
Do you begin the year with a list of New Year’s Resolutions? Things you swear you are going to do or not do that will make this year different than all the rest? And then, just a few weeks into the year, you realize you’ve abandoned your list, slacked off on all of the things you swore would be different this time? And you feel pretty down on...
Read MorePostcards from Paradise
I am back in California and I am so grateful for this freedom that I have created for myself to be able to move between places and appreciate the joys of each of them. As I drove back with the strong intention of focusing these next three months on writing my book, I realized that I have long dreamed of spending a winter at the beach and writing. For years...
Read MoreWhat To Do When Nothing Is Working
It happens to all of us. We get a great idea. We’re motivated. We take the first step toward what we want and we’re cruising. We feel excited. Rejuvenated. Like this thing could really happen! And then something doesn’t turn out the way we had hoped or expected. And we land in a pile of doubt. Sound familiar? Did you start the year...
Read MoreJournal from the Prayer Flag Project
Friday evening: The RV is parked and we are settling into our weekend home at the back end of the Vet’s hall parking lot in Cambria for our inaugural Community Prayer Flag festival event. My EZ-UP tent is set up, thanks to the help of one of the event coordinators, and Laddy and I are now relaxing as the sun goes down. Highway 1 is loud behind...
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