Ah summer. The days are long, stretched out in light and heat and possibilities. Especially when you are a kid. For most of us, summer was the best part of the year–no school, playing all day, maybe even going on a family trip. Even if we didn’t have the ideal childhood, summer offered us a kind of...
Read MoreThe Magic of Floating
On Friday evening, after I took my meds, I tossed the Frisbee into the pool for Mabel. She’s such a water dog, navigating around the snaking cleaner hose, onto the loveseat and out of the pool. I threw it four or five times and then I was hot enough to go in too. This is that time of year when the water is cooler than the outside air and I...
Read MoreFinding Home
It’s been TWO YEARS since I left my life in Arizona and moved to the beach. For those of you who don’t know the story, it’s a page turner. And it’s full of lessons for me about faith and letting go and giving up control. Now, two years later, I am learning the same things, on a deeper level. And re-reading about how I did it...
Read MoreFrom Fallow Fields to Flower Fields
This letting go business is tough. When we let go of something, how do we know something better will come? What happens if it’s gone forever? Whenever I start to doubt, I turn to Nature for assurance. Nature seems to be a wonderful reflection for us humans. In Carlsbad, California there is a place called The Flower Fields where they grow acres and acres of...
Read MoreWhat’s Next?
Like with any behavior, thought or pattern we’re trying to release, if we focus on it, it continues to manifest. But if we shift our thought and attention to what is NEXT, even AND ESPECIALLY if we don’t know what that is, then that first thing loses energy, lessens its hold on us and it eventually releases. For the last four weeks...
Read MoreAnatomy of a Shift
I have been lying on my back for the last two and a half weeks with the most intense episode of sciatica. I’ve had lower back pain before that has left me on my heating pad for several days. But this sharp, lightening bolt pain that shoots down my leg is like nothing I’ve experienced before. But then, this place in my life is like nothing I’ve...
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