A few weeks ago, I wrote about letting go and having faith that something new will grow. This week I realized that letting go is also about mindsets. Letting go of a desired outcome, letting go of the one way, the only way I see something working out. This week I learned that, when I am able to release my strong hold on a particular scenario, space opens...
Read MoreUn-Limiting Your Beliefs
Imagine what might be possible if you open yourself to a new thought When I was in my 20’s I imagined that I would be the next Great American Writer. I sat at my portable electric Royal typewriter every day, inventing stories about people, documenting my observations, journaling ideas for my first great novel. One afternoon a friend said to me, “Why do you...
Read MoreMonday’s Question of the Day
What do you know today that you did not know this same time last year? Please share your comments...
Read MoreA Day of Beauty
Your attention is the most powerful creative tool that you have. We’ve all heard that energy follows thought. That if we think….. then…… is bound to happen. If you seek out kind people, you will meet kind people. If we are always complaining about something, then there will always be something to complain about. What would happen if you shifted your...
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