The Morro Bay Winter Bird Festival happened this past weekend. Once a year people from all over the country come to see the amazing variety of birds in the area. I’m the Hospitality Chairperson for the Festival and my job is to feed the attendees. We host an opening reception with food and wine on opening night. We provide fruit and breakfast snacks as...
Read MoreHappy End of the Year From the Beach
It’s the last Saturday of the year and it is such a blessing to be here. It’s cold and crisp, and then the sun rises over the hills and everything warms up. The hills all around me are bursting with so much green from the big rains we’ve had and the beach sand has shifted from the very high tides. Cody and I walk on the beach at least...
Read MoreThe I Of a Hurricane – Finding Calm In a Storm
So many people I talk with say they are living in a world of overwhelm. They have so much going on, so many things on their to do lists that they don’t know where to begin. Their lives are happening all around them and they have resigned themselves to the idea that this is just how life is going to be. But really, we get to choose. Imagine a...
Read MoreUnwinding: The End of the Year
As we enter the last month of the year, there is a tendency to rush forward, to make plans for next year, to set new goals, vision new dreams. But there are still 28 days left of this year to savor, unwind, and reflect on this past year. These last weeks can be a time to celebrate where you are, what you’ve done, who you are becoming. It can be a time to...
Read MoreWhen Gratitude Becomes Gladitude
reprinted from my book, Heart Sparks: 7 Practices For Loving Your Life People will tell you that, if you’re feeling sad, depressed, hopeless, the best thing to do is make a gratitude list. To find simple things that you are grateful for, to shift your attention to what you do have, to what is working in your life. But often, when we are in this dark...
Read MoreEdit, Save, Repeat
This is so exciting! My first book. A dream is actually happening. Right now! I am getting ready to not just write, but publish my first book! This means final content edits, choosing artwork, checking page breaks, figuring out how the new version of Word deals with page numbering for even and odd pages, and always, envisioning the finished product...
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