In celebration of FOUR YEARS of writing this weekly blog (!!!) I’m re-posting one of my very first articles, about how our thoughts often hold us back from our dreams. Thank you for your support, your readership and for joining me on this amazing journey! Imagine you are driving down a road, admiring the scenery, going at a steady,...
Read MoreNever Assume
In an episode of the original Odd Couple on TV, Felix, the neat one, is in court, defending himself after being arrested for scalping tickets. As he interrogates a witness, he writes the word ASSUME on the court’s blackboard, circling the letters as he proclaims, “Never assume. Because when you ASSUME, it makes an ASS out of U and ME.”...
Read More10 Steps from Brainstorm to Brilliance
Have you ever taken on a big project or a new creative endeavor and, after hours, days, weeks of working, you think you’re finished? And then someone offers you a suggestion to make it even better? Do you settle for “good enough” or do you step back, take a breath and say, YES, I want it to be Great! As you may know, for the past few...
Read MoreA Million Dollars…What Are You Waiting For?
How many times have you thought, if only I could win the lottery…if only I were rich…oh, how my life would be different… Really? If you had a million dollars, what would you do? Quit your job? Then what? Lie on the beach all day? Then what? Go on a cruise? Then what? Give money to your favorite charity? Then what? Buy some cars, a new...
Read MoreUn-Limiting Your Beliefs
Imagine what might be possible if you open yourself to a new thought When I was in my 20’s I imagined that I would be the next Great American Writer. I sat at my portable electric Royal typewriter every day, inventing stories about people, documenting my observations, journaling ideas for my first great novel. One afternoon a friend said to me, “Why do you...
Read MoreFrom Fallow Fields to Flower Fields: Letting Go with Faith
This letting go business is tough. When we let go of something, how do we know something better will come? What happens if it’s gone forever? Whenever I start to doubt, I turn to Nature for assurance. Nature seems to be a wonderful reflection for us humans. In Carlsbad, California there is a place called The Flower Fields where they grow acres and...
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