Spark Your Heart,
Ignite Your Life…

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I like to help women discover and feel good about who they are and what they want to do with their lives.

My clients are typically women over 50, on the edge of what’s next in life. Some have an inkling of what they want and others have no idea what else they could possibly be after a lifetime of mother/wife/worker…

These women come to me for support, motivation, accountability, and to start feeling lighter about it all.

One client said, “Whenever I work with Ruth I always leave feeling good about myself!"

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River, Rocks, Repairs

Posted on Aug 13 by

Can you believe it’s already August? We’ve been here on the central Oregon coast since mid-May, our longest time in one place without volunteering. When I see the summer temperatures around the country, I can’t imagine being anywhere but here, where it averages 60° every day. Sometimes it’s sunny, sometimes foggy, sometimes gray and overcast. They are all my favorites.   We are adjusting to life without Cody. It’s the first time in our thirty one years together that we don’t have a dog. And now it’s just us. I realize how much time and energy and attention went to his care, and how I relied on him for my own regular moving and walking. Sure, now we can go away all day, with no time restraints, but we haven’t done that yet.    But it was a blessing that he did not have to endure the week we spent living in an RV repair shop parking lot last month. We drove 140 miles inland to Grants Pass to a highly recommended company for help with our suspension. Because we were parked...


Riding the Joy and the Grief

Posted on Jul 3 by

Before we even got to the coast, I was thinking about getting a bicycle so that I could ride around the area right from our spot. Marika and I used to be avid cyclers, sometimes riding fifty miles in a weekend. But my twenty year old bike had seen its best days, so I left it with the rangers at Fort Pulaksi two years ago.   The only bicycle store in town sells mostly high end bikes, and, because of the virus, Walmart had limited stock. I looked on Craigslist with no luck, but kept envisioning an inexpensive fun bike to ride. And then I found a community bike shop in town listed on Facebook, where folks could share tools and work on their bikes. They also sold refurbished bikes, and they had a yellow Spalding mountain bike that fit my five foot, three inch frame. It’s not a fancy bike, but it’s got fifteen indexed gears, a kickstand, and water bottle cage, and it fit me like a glove. I paid seventy dollars, put it in the back...


Snug in the Harbor

Posted on May 30 by

We have always planned our routes and volunteering gigs based on where the birds are. Once we choose an area, we check out nearby food shopping, restaurant options, and proximity to things to explore. Now, we also consider where Cody can get his acupuncture treatments.   After we heard that our summer volunteering job was officially cancelled, we were excited to spend the summer in Florence, Oregon where Cody’s favorite vet is. But when we found out she is no longer in practice, panic set in. I extended my search beyond Florence and found two vets in Coos Bay, a coastal town an hour south of Florence. They offered acupuncture and cold laser therapy, and there was even a mobile vet who serviced the area.   We love the Coos Bay area. With a population of 16,000, there are several supermarkets and lots of restaurant choices, so I started looking online to see what might suit us. There are high end resorts and very low end RV parks in the area. I considered staying at the Charleston Marina, where...


Heading North

Posted on Apr 30 by

It has gotten too hot, too soon here in southeastern Arizona. It’s going to be 101 today, with 90’s for the next week, at least. And it’s just too warm for us. But we are here, waiting, sheltering in place, until our next volunteering gig happens. And then I realized we have other choices. We could still go up to Oregon and PAY for a campsite. I looked online to see what might be open and available, since all of the state parks and forest service campgrounds are closed. I found a great place, on a lake, for $550 the month of June, and there was one spot left. Marika was out shopping, but I called her and asked her to consider this new idea. I studied the picture of the camp site, envisioning us there, and got excited about putting my kayak in the lake. When Marika got home we unpacked the groceries, she had lunch, and finally, we discussed things. We can afford to pay for camping. We don’t need to wait until our gig opens up....


Moving in Place

Posted on Apr 25 by

It’s been a month since I last wrote, and I wonder how you are doing with the state of things. Are you enjoying your time at home? Feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious? Maybe you are experiencing some depression and immobility. Perhaps you are feeling all of these things and more. There is no right way to move through these days. Only that we do move through them. One day, one hour, sometimes one moment at a time. Here at Kartchner Caverns in southeastern Arizona, the days are starting to heat up into the 90’s. The cave tours are still closed, but the full park staff is working because the trails and campground are open. On weekends, every camp site is occupied. The winter camp hosts have returned to their summer homes, so last week, we moved down into the upper campground’s camp host site to fill in, since our summer gig on the Oregon Coast is still on hold. Our new camp site is paved, more level, and offers an expansive east-facing vista of the mountains and basin. After four...


Sheltered In Place

Posted on Mar 22 by

I hope this post finds you feeling safe, and calm, with everything you need. We’re still down in southeastern Arizona at Kartchner Caverns State Park. Last week, word came down from the main office that all cavern tours were cancelled, and last weekend the Discovery Center also closed. The campground and hiking trails are still open until further notice. All volunteers here, except camp hosts, have been officially relieved of all duties.   When we heard we were no longer working, I was excited about the two week vacation before our planned departure to Phoenix at the end of March, en route to our summer job on the southern Oregon coast that starts mid-May.   But as friends described the panic and hoarding that was happening in the big city, I had no desire to be there for the planned two weeks. Marika and I talked about bypassing Phoenix completely, but both of us agreed that we should spend at least a few days in Phoenix, to see my dad.   But then what? Should we continue on to...

Work With Me

I work with my one-on-one coaching clients over the phone. This way there is no visual distraction, no need to “look our best,” so that we can focus on what’s really going on. I also believe that the technology that connects us provides an additional energy conduit that can enhance and intensify the connection. Learn more...

Working with a group is different. As humans, even if we don’t say a lot, we need to know that we are heard and seen. And so I facilitate my intimate online coaching circles using video conferencing software so that we can all literally see each other. These virtual connections can be even more powerful than in-person groups. Learn more...

Facilitating retreats and in-person workshops are my favorite ways to work with people for so many reasons, but especially because there is so much hugging. Learn more...