boiled crawfish
brunch with friends of an old friend
Chinese donuts, my favorite
Doc Watkins
so much rain
the Cajun seafood buffet
the lagoon behind our campsite
Cody exploring Como Lake, Galveston
ah, to be out in nature, near water……
great visiting with my new friend Maxine!
camped along Galveston Bay
Austin’s Elisabet Ney Museum
driving toward the Gulf Coast
I’m riding! sung to the tune of Peter Pan’s “I’m flying!”
weltlands habitat for whooping cranes
nature at its best
at the fish cleaning station
Sparky Park
are recylced/reclaimed materials
swim at your own risk
Carmelita loves tart lemonade
an abandoned electic sub-station, now a park
McKinney Falls
sculpture park in Austin
famous frozen custard
the Cathedral of Junk
camp, San Angelo State Park
New friends in Austin, Carmelita, Jacque and me